Premium Billi Systems

Why choose Billi:

  • Premium products
  • World class service
  • Elegant, space saving design
  • Energy efficient

Life Solutions is the exclusive, licensed supplier of premium Billi water filtration products in much of the most populated cities and provinces of China. Contact us for details.

Billi’s environmental performance

All Billi systems are energy efficient. Our Billi Quadra, Quadra Plus and Eco models are better for the environment. They have been assessed and recognized by Global Green Tag – ‘one of the world’s most robust, trusted and widely recognized ecolabels,’ as being more beneficial for the planet than a conventional, similar business-as-usual product.

Global Green Tag’s LCA Rate certification program uses – and goes beyond – Life Cycle Analysis processes to measure and rate the product’s whole of life environmental impact using robust science and detailed toxicology knowledge. Unlike many other product certification processes, Global Green Tag requires product and materials manufacturers to fully disclose every product ingredient and process, making it the most independently certified, standards compliant certification in the market. Compared with a worst case business as usual product in common use, Billi Eco, Quadra and Quadra Plus models have achieved the Gold LCA Rate certification of environmental performance. Overall, this means that these LCA Rate Gold Billi water filtration systems are excellent compared to business as usual and:

  • Have been produced with systems shown to protect workers and the environment in manufacturing
  • Have child and slavery free employment practices
  • Are very healthy in use (contain no ingredients which pose health impacts during physical use of the product)
  • Minimise climate change









Contact us today to learn about how premium Billi water filtration systems can benefit you and your project.