On a hot, muggy midsummer day, people often look to lakes and rivers to cool off. However, the excessive heat can cause bacteria levels in water to rise. This is even more likely if there has been little rain.
01 Bacteria live in all bodies of water
Bacteria live in all bodies of water, but warm conditions create the ideal environment for bacteria to breed. There are several reasons why. In general, the higher the temperature the better the environment for microorganisms to grow. Additionally, bacteria need moisture to breed and water creates moistness.
People planning to go to the lake or river this summer should avoid swallowing any water. They should also cover any cuts or open wounds since broken skin is a way for bacteria to enter the body and potentially harm their health. Although the main symptom of a bacterial infection is diarrhea, it can cause viral illnesses with flu-like symptoms as well.

Similarly, drinking water with disease-causing bacteria or parasites can make people sick. It’s important to be overly cautious during the summer season since people tend to drink more water in the warm weather. Although the water might seem clean and refreshing, it may be contaminated with bacteria that is “invisible” and not easily detected by sight or smell.
02 Boiling water can eliminate bacteria
Sanitation for drinking water is particularly prominent in the summer, which is why people are cautioned against drinking tap water. If the tap water pipe and the water supply tank are not kept clean, it could become a breeding ground for bacteria and result in poor water quality.

Boiling water is one option for sterilization to eliminate bacteria, however it does not remove many heavy metals, rust, and other pollutants that can cause diseases and chronic conditions. Bottled water is another option, but disposable plastic harms the environment and initiatives are underway to avoid the use of plastic.

03 A healthier option for water
This month is Plastic Free July®, a global campaign for people be help control plastic pollution by not using single-use plastics. By doing so the environment will be cleaner and people and other living forms will be healthier. This is because the production and disposal of plastic generates greenhouse gases and hazardous waste. The chemicals produced from plastic are building up on land and in the air, oceans, lakes, and rivers, negatively impacting human and ecological health. Additionally, most plastic is not recyclable and is difficult to degrade. Researchers estimate that more than seven million tons of plastic have been manufactured worldwide in the last five to seven years and approximately 80% of it is estimated to be in landfills, in use, or in the environment.

A study commissioned by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) at the University of Newcastle showed that humans consume about 2,000 micro plastics – small plastic pieces that can be harmful to ocean and aquatic life – on average per week. The main source of micro plastics is bottled water. However, there are ways to drink clean water and avoid plastic bottles and pollution to protect the environment and its ecosystems.

To ensure drinking water is clean and safe in the summer heat, and supports Plastic Free July®, a water purifier is the most efficient solution.

As people pay more attention to healthy drinking water, the requirements of quality water are becoming more stringent. For instance, ordinary water purifiers filter large particles, but they do not remove heavy metals, chemicals, and antibiotics. The reverse osmosis (RO) water purifier can completely resolve the issue of contaminated water and ensure water is safe for drinking.

For more than a decade, Life Solutions has been committed to providing people with clean, healthy drinking water through high-quality water purification systems. The classic independent water purification system provided by Life Solutions incorporates a unique reverse osmosis solution, which removes 99% of pollutants (including heavy metals, pesticides, viruses, and bacteria). Additionally, it eliminates chlorine in tap water, while maintaining the minerals that have health benefits.

Thus, the water filtered by Life Solutions’ water purification equipment and reverse osmosis filters is safe to drink and can be used for cooking without causing any harm. It also eliminates time spent boiling water and pollution from plastic bottles.
For healthy drinking water this summer, consider Life Solutions’ water purification equipment. It provides clean drinking water 24 hours a day that is worry-free of harmful bacteria. And, it is environmentally-friendly, contributing to resolving the problem of plastic pollution.
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