6 “Don’ts” of Drinking Water: Essential Tips for Your Health

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining good health. However, there are common mistakes people make when it comes to drinking water. Here are six important tips to help you drink water correctly:

PART.01 Don’t Wait Until You’re Thirsty

Feeling thirsty means your body is already dehydrated. Regular hydration is essential for metabolism and preventing health issues such as increased blood viscosity and kidney damage. Drink water consistently throughout the day, not just when you’re thirsty.

PART.02 Don’t Obsess Over 8 Glasses

While the common advice is to drink 8 glasses (1.5 liters) of water daily, individual needs vary based on factors like activity level and climate. Listen to your body’s needs rather than strictly adhering to a set amount.

PART.03 Don’t Add Too Much to Your Water

Avoid adding excessive salt, sugar, or herbal supplements to your water, as these can have adverse health effects. Instead, opt for natural additions like lemon, cucumber slices, or mint leaves.

PART.04 Don’t Believe in “Miracle” Waters

Many marketed bottled waters claim to have special health benefits, but plain water is usually sufficient for hydration. Essential minerals can be obtained through a balanced diet.

PART.05 Don’t Drink Untreated Natural Water

Avoid drinking untreated water from natural sources like springs, wells, or rivers, as they may contain harmful contaminants. Even treated tap water can be subject to secondary pollution, so boiling is recommended but may not eliminate all impurities.

PART.06 Don’t Drink Excessive Amounts

Drinking too much water can lead to frequent urination and disrupt your daily activities. It can also cause water intoxication. Drink according to your thirst and distribute your intake evenly throughout the day.

Proper hydration is simple yet vital for health. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine to ensure you are drinking water effectively and safely.

For more information on maintaining a healthy hydration routine and quality water products, visit Life Solutions.

Set up to supply, install and maintain water filtration systems, we provide systems for both potable water as well as washing water. With Life Solutions offices in Shanghai and Hong Kong and dedicated service centers in Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Macau, we service clients in more than 25 Chinese cities.

We are happy to provide a free water test for you.Please call us at +86 400-820-1213 or simply just leave a message here! (Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou Only)

Hydration and Mental Well-being: Enhancing Focus and Mood

Water is crucial for human health. Staying hydrated not only meets our physical needs but also supports mental well-being, enhancing focus and mood.

This simple yet effective habit can significantly improve quality of life and increase productivity in both work and study.

Proper Hydration Supports Brain Function, Enhancing Attention and Memory

Water plays a vital role in clearing waste from the brain, including metabolic byproducts and harmful chemicals. It also improves blood circulation, ensuring the brain receives adequate oxygen and nutrients, thereby enhancing overall function.

Additionally, water regulates body temperature, reducing the risk of concentration loss and memory decline due to overheating. Therefore, maintaining adequate water intake is crucial for optimal brain health.

The Impact of Dehydration on Brain Function:

Dehydration can lead to headaches, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, and slower reaction times. These symptoms can worsen if the body lacks sufficient water. Maintaining a proper water balance is essential for optimal brain health.

You can achieve this by drinking enough water and consuming water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. It’s important to avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine, as they can contribute to dehydration.


Adequate hydration helps stabilize emotions and prevent anxiety and depression:

Dehydration increases negative emotions such as anger, tension, confusion, and fatigue. Mild dehydration can make people more prone to tension, anxiety, and fatigue.

Those who usually drink plenty of water will feel more tense when dehydrated, while increasing water intake can boost happiness. People who drink less water are more likely to feel depressed and anxious.

Tips for Improving Mood and Maintaining Mental Health through Hydration

• Drink enough water daily, adjusting intake based on physical activity levels.
• Choose appropriate water sources, avoiding sugary drinks and processed water to maintain health.
• Drink a glass of water every hour during work or study to keep your brain alert.
• Stay hydrated in the afternoon to prevent fatigue and ensure work efficiency.

Image Source:pexels.com/envato.com

Tools like water reminder apps or smart water bottles can help manage your intake and make the habit more enjoyable. These tools set daily water goals and provide personalized advice.

Smart bottles track your drinking habits and remind you to hydrate through vibrations or sounds. Some even offer stylish designs, making hydration a pleasant experience. Whether you want to develop a good hydration habit or seek a trendy lifestyle, these tools can meet your needs.

For over 10 years, Life Solutions has been providing value to clients through clean drinking water solutions

Request your free water test today!

Water tests can identify contaminants and prevent water-borne diseases. Globally, millions of water quality tests are carried out daily to fulfill regulatory requirements, to check water quality levels, and to maintain safety.

We are happy to provide a free water test for you.Please call us at +86 400-820-1213 or simply just leave a message here! (Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou Only)

Drinking Water and Beauty:
The Secret to Hydrated Skin

Who doesn’t want healthy, smooth skin?

Keeping your skin hydrated is key!

But how do you do it effectively? Let’s dive into the secrets!

Unlock the Secrets to Radiant Skin!

Discover how drinking water can transform your beauty routine!

This article reveals top hydration tips and beauty hacks to help you achieve glowing, healthy skin. Plus, learn about Life Solutions’ premium water solutions for beauty from the inside out.

01. Hydration = Glowing Skin!

Water is crucial for healthy skin.

Staying hydrated can:
Moisturize your skin
Reduce wrinkles
Detoxify and brighten dull skin

02. How to Improve Skin Issues By Drinking Water

Different skin issues need different hydration strategies.

For dry skin, increase your water intake.

For dull skin, boost your water consumption to enhance metabolism. Drinking mineral-rich water is recommended to help maintain healthy, glowing skin.

03. Hydration and Beauty Tips

Choosing the right time to drink water is crucial. A glass in the morning helps detoxify, while a small amount before bed aids nighttime repair. Pair this with beauty routines like masks and moisturizers to boost skin hydration and elastici

For over 10 years, Life Solutions has been providing value to clients through clean drinking water solutions

Request your free water test today!

Water tests can identify contaminants and prevent water-borne diseases. Globally, millions of water quality tests are carried out daily to fulfill regulatory requirements, to check water quality levels, and to maintain safety.

We are happy to provide a free water test for you.Please call us at +86 400-820-1213 or simply just leave a message here! (Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou Only)

Image source:giphy.com/envato.com

Tips for Staying Hydrated During the Summer Heat

With the arrival of summer, high temperatures can cause the body to lose water quickly, making proper hydration especially important.

This article will discuss the importance of staying hydrated during the summer, provide tips on how to hydrate effectively, and address common misconceptions about summer hydration.

For more water tips and advice, be sure to follow the LifeSolutions WeChat official account. Stay cool and healthy this summer!

01. Why Staying Hydrated in the Summer is Essential

  • High temperatures can lead to increased water loss from the body.

During the hot summer months, the body tends to sweat more, causing a significant loss of water.

Failing to replenish this lost water promptly can result in symptoms like dehydration, dizziness, and fatigue.

In severe cases, it may even lead to heatstroke. Therefore, staying hydrated by drinking enough water in the summer is crucial.

  • Proper hydration plays a key role in regulating body temperature and preventing heat-related illnesses.

Drinking water not only replenishes lost fluids but also helps regulate body temperature by facilitating sweat evaporation, which cools the body and reduces the risk of heatstroke.

  • Maintaining proper hydration supports metabolism and overall health.

Water is vital for maintaining normal metabolic functions in the body. Adequate hydration supports healthy metabolism, aids in eliminating waste from the body, and contributes to overall well-being.

02. How to Hydrate Effectively

  • To maintain proper hydration, it’s advisable to drink water at regular intervals and in appropriate quantities, avoiding excessive intake all at once.

A good routine includes drinking water after waking up, before meals, after meals, and before bedtime.

Be mindful of how much water you consume at a time to avoid overburdening your kidneys.

  • Adjust your water intake based on your individual constitution and activity levels.

Everyone’s body and activity levels are unique, so the amount of water needed varies. Those who are more physically active generally require more water.

Special groups such as pregnant women and the elderly should adjust their water intake according to their specific needs.

  • Choose healthy water sources like warm boiled water and mineral water.

Warm boiled water is easily absorbed and aids in regulating body temperature, while mineral water provides essential minerals and trace elements for overall health.

Limit sugary beverages to prevent excessive sugar and calorie intake.

03. Busting Common Myths About Staying Hydrated in Summer

  • Misconception One: Drink Water Only When Thirsty

Many people believe they should drink water only when they’re thirsty, but this is a misconception.

Thirst indicates dehydration, so waiting until you’re thirsty to drink water is already too late.

It’s recommended to make a habit of drinking water regularly to meet the body’s hydration needs.

  • Misconception Two: Replacing Water with Beverages

Some people choose to replace water with beverages, especially during the summer when cold drinks seem more appealing.

However, beverages often contain high levels of sugar and calories, which can lead to health problems like obesity and diabetes with long-term consumption.

Additionally, ingredients like caffeine in beverages may impact sleep quality and calcium absorption.

Therefore, it’s best to opt for healthy water sources like warm boiled water and mineral water whenever possible.

  • Misconception Three: Iced Water is More Refreshing

While ice-cold water can offer a moment of relief in hot weather, extremely cold water may irritate the digestive tract, causing stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and other issues.

Moreover, very cold water can cause blood vessels in the mouth, esophagus, and stomach lining to constrict, affecting the release of digestive fluids and nutrient absorption.

Thus, it’s advisable to drink moderately warm water or mineral water to support gastrointestinal health.

In summary, staying hydrated in summer is essential for good health. By hydrating properly, we can effectively prevent heat-related illnesses and maintain overall well-being.

It’s also important to understand and dispel common hydration myths to avoid unnecessary strain on the body.

Let’s choose the right hydration habits and stay cool throughout the summer!

Request your free water test today!

Water tests can identify contaminants and prevent water-borne diseases. Globally, millions of water quality tests are carried out daily to fulfill regulatory requirements, to check water quality levels, and to maintain safety.

We are happy to provide a free water test for you.Please call us at +86 400-820-1213 or simply just leave a message here! (Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou Only)

Image source:giphy.com/envato.com

Exploring the Deep Connection Between Water and Civilization

Water is the source of life and has always been central to human civilization. Throughout history, people have settled near water, fostering the growth of societies.

Our relationship with water is deep and multifaceted, influencing not just our physical needs but also our cultural and historical evolution.

Variations in Drinking Water Practices Between the East and West

In the East, drinking in moderation is highly valued.
Eastern culture emphasizes the “Doctrine of the Mean,” which holds that “excess is as bad as deficiency.”

This principle shapes their drinking water habits, promoting moderation.

For instance, in ancient China, people were encouraged to drink water at regular intervals and in specific amounts.

A common saying, “three cups in the morning, four cups in the evening,” reflects the belief that drinking three cups in the morning and four in the evening promotes good health.

In contrast, in Western cultures, it’s common to drink water whenever you feel thirsty.
Western culture often embraces a more flexible approach to life,enjoying activities to the fullest.

Within this cultural context, Westerners tend to drink water based on personal needs rather than adhering to specific traditions.

They often carry portable water containers to stay hydrated at any time.

Throughout history in China, offering hot tea to guests has been a customary gesture, regardless of their origin.

Guests from distant lands are always greeted with a cup of hot tea as a symbol of hospitality, no matter the season or simplicity of preparation.

This tradition reflects the warm welcome of the host. Additionally, hot water is favored among Chinese people, with the saying, “In winter, one drinks soup,” and the belief that even travelers should drink boiled water.

This preference for hot beverages runs deep in Chinese culture, passed down through generations.

In the West, cold water is preferred year-round, regardless of the weather.

Westerners typically drink tap water directly from the faucet in their homes.

Despite seasonal changes, even in the cold winter, they often prefer cold or iced water, and do not typically drink hot water even when they are unwell.

Exploring the Origins of Varied Drinking Water Cultures Between Eastern and Western Societies

Why do Eastern and Western societies exhibit such distinct drinking water habits?

01. Concepts of Health Preservation

In Chinese tradition, hot water is believed to benefit the spleen and stomach, aiding digestion and improving circulation. Conversely, cold water is seen as potentially disruptive to health.

While traditional Chinese medicine values hot beverages for their warming properties, Western medicine suggests that excessive consumption of hot water may affect tissue adaptability and weaken the body over time.

02. Dietary Structure

Confucian culture shapes Chinese dietary habits, emphasizing harmony and health preservation through balanced nutrition and food efficacy.

In contrast, Western diets prioritize practicality, often featuring meat-centric dishes, leading to higher protein and calorie intake.Cold water is favored in the West for its ability to refresh the palate and aid digestion, relieving constipation.

Drinking hot or cold water is just a matter of habit, reflecting cultural differences. There’s no superior or inferior choice in drinking habits. The real concern is ensuring access to safe drinking water.

Contemplating how to maintain and regulate water quality is the key question to address.

All our filtration products are CCC (3C) certified and exceed the CJ94-2005 Chinese water industry standard for drinking water purification. We use NSF certified water filters in all our RO products.

[1] Wen, C., & Chang, L. (2020). Warm Water Is Better than Hot Water for Health. Journal of Senior Education: Elderly Home, DOI:CNKI:SUN:LNZZ.0.2020-01-095.
[2] Wang, X., Drinking Hot Water or Cold Water: Which is Better? Journal of Diet and Health, 2020, 000(012): P.36-36.

Image source:www.pexels.com/giphy.com/envato.com

Hydration Check: Are You Getting Enough Water? Is 8 Glasses Daily Truly Enough?

Water is the source of life, and about 70% of the human body is composed of water. Water is involved in human metabolism, regulates body temperature, transports nutrients, and eliminates waste products, making it essential for human health.

So, how much water should you drink each day?

Currently, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The amount of water each person needs each day depends on factors such as age, gender, activity level, and climate. In general, adults should consume 1500-2000 ml of water per day, which is about 8 glasses.

Here are some tips:

• Drink water when you’re thirsty, don’t wait until you feel very thirsty to drink.
• You can drink water in small amounts throughout the day, don’t drink too much at once.
• You can drink plain water, mineral water, tea, etc.
• If you exercise a lot and sweat a lot, you should increase your water intake appropriately.

What are the benefits of drinking enough water?

• Promotes metabolism and helps with weight loss.
• Moisturizes the skin and promotes beauty and health.
• Improves constipation.
• Prevents kidney stones.
• Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Here are some ways to tell if you’re drinking enough water:

• Your urine is clear.
• Your skin is moist and shiny.
• You don’t feel thirsty.
• Your bowel movements are regular.

Is 8 glasses of water a day really enough?

For most people, 8 glasses of water a day is enough. However, if you are very active, sweat a lot, or

Choose LifeSolutions, choose a healthy life!

LifeSolutions uses advanced reverse osmosis technology to effectively remove heavy metals, pesticide residues, bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances from water, providing you with high-quality pure water. LifeSolutions also has a variety of functions to meet your different needs.

Drinking Water for Better Sleep:
5 Scientifically Proven Benefits

Sleep deprivation is a common problem among modern people, affecting not only our mental state and work efficiency but also our long-term health. Adequate sleep is crucial for our physical and mental well-being, and drinking water is a simple and effective way to improve sleep quality.

Here are 5 scientifically proven benefits of drinking water for better sleep:

Proper hydration helps regulate body temperature.

Body temperature plays a significant role in the sleep process. Studies have shown that a decrease in body temperature helps with falling asleep and maintaining sleep. Proper hydration helps regulate body temperature, allowing it to naturally drop in the evening, promoting better sleep.

Dehydration can lead to nighttime leg cramps.

Nocturnal leg cramps are a common sleep disorder that can disrupt sleep and cause insomnia. Research suggests that dehydration is one of the common causes of nighttime leg cramps. Staying hydrated can help prevent these cramps, improving sleep quality.

Water helps thin blood and improve circulation.

Adequate blood circulation is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the brain and other organs. Studies have shown that dehydration can thicken blood, affecting circulation. Proper hydration helps thin the blood, improve circulation, and promote better sleep.

Water helps relieve stress and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety are common contributors to insomnia. Research indicates that proper hydration can help alleviate stress and anxiety, leading to improved sleep quality.

Water helps prevent dehydration headaches.

Dehydration headaches are a common type of headache that can disrupt sleep and cause insomnia. Studies suggest that dehydration is one of the common causes of dehydration headaches. Staying hydrated can help prevent these headaches, improving sleep quality.

How to improve sleep through drinking water:

Aim for 8 glasses of water per day, adjusting the amount based on your individual needs.
Avoid drinking too much water within 2 hours of bedtime to prevent nighttime bathroom trips.
If you feel thirsty, drink water immediately.
Avoid beverages containing caffeine and alcohol, as they can act as diuretics and lead to dehydration.
Proper hydration is an essential component of healthy sleep. By staying hydrated, you can improve your sleep quality and achieve a healthier, more fulfilling life.

For a healthier and more fulfilling way to stay hydrated, The Life Solutions water purification system leverages reverse osmosis, a powerful technology capable of removing up to 99% of contaminants from water, including heavy metals, pesticides, viruses, and bacteria. This essentially turns seawater into clean, drinkable water, showcasing the system’s technological prowess, elevating your hydration experience to a healthier standard.

Dehydration During Exercise: A Risk Factor for Sports Injuries

When we exercise, we lose a significant amount of water through sweat. If we don’t replenish this lost water, we can become dehydrated. Dehydration can impair our body’s normal physiological functions, leading to decreased athletic performance and even increasing the risk of sports injuries.

The Right Way to Hydrate During Exercise

• Hydrate before, during, and after exercise
Drink 500-1000 ml of water 1-2 hours before exercise to prepare your body. During exercise, aim to drink 200-300 ml of water every 15-20 minutes. After exercise, replenish your fluids based on your exertion level and sweat loss until your urine becomes light in color.

• Adjust your hydration based on exercise intensity and individual factors
The more intense your workout, the more you will sweat and the more fluids you will need to replenish. Additionally, individual factors such as body type and environmental temperature can also affect your hydration needs.

• Choose the right type of fluid
During exercise, you can choose plain water, mineral water, or sports drinks. Plain water is the most economical option, mineral water can help replenish minerals lost during exercise, and sports drinks can provide energy and electrolytes.

The Dangers of Dehydration During Exercise

• Muscle cramps
Muscle cramps are sudden, involuntary contractions of muscles, often occurring in the calves, thighs, and abdomen. Dehydration is a common cause of muscle cramps.

• Heatstroke
Heatstroke is a medical emergency that occurs when the body’s temperature rises to dangerous levels due to a combination of heat exposure and dehydration.

• Cardiac arrest
Cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of heart function, often leading to death. Dehydration can increase the risk of cardiac arrest.

• Kidney damage
The kidneys are vital organs responsible for filtering waste products from the blood. Dehydration can reduce blood flow to the kidneys, impairing their function and potentially leading to kidney damage.

Life Solutions Water Purification Equipment

Life Solutions presents cutting-edge water purification equipment employing high-quality RO membranes and multi-layered filters. With a filtration accuracy of 0.0001 microns, these systems effectively eliminate bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, and other harmful substances. Moreover, they retain essential minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium, ensuring the provision of healthy drinking water.

Choose Life Solutions Water Purification Equipment
Empower yourself with the ability to safeguard every drop of water that enters your life from heavy metal troubles. Our water purification systems provide robust protection, ensuring the delivery of healthy drinking water to users.
Let Life Solutions be your trusted partner in securing a healthier future!

Hydrating during exercise is crucial for ensuring safety and maximizing performance. Remember to hydrate before, during, and after exercise, choose appropriate fluids, and adjust your intake based on exercise intensity and individual factors. By staying hydrated, you can prevent dehydration and its associated risks, allowing you to enjoy safe and effective workouts.

How the Life Solution Water Purification System Could Revolutionize Water Technology

The fictional Fremen people of Dune demonstrated remarkable resilience in their harsh desert environment, thanks in part to their water-harvesting technology. In our world, as we face a future of increasing water scarcity, innovative water purification solutions are more crucial than ever.

Life Solution’s water purification system, with its emphasis on efficiency, water conservation, and environmental protection, offers a glimpse into what the future of water purification technology might hold.

1. Breakthrough Technology: Reverse Osmosis for Exceptional Purification

The Life Solution water purification system leverages reverse osmosis, a powerful technology capable of removing up to 99% of contaminants from water, including heavy metals, pesticides, viruses, and bacteria. This essentially turns seawater into clean, drinkable water, showcasing the system’s technological prowess.

2. Sustainable Design: Conserving Water and Protecting Our Planet

Compared to bottled water, the Life Solution water purification system is a paragon of environmental responsibility. It significantly reduces reliance on plastic bottles and conserves water resources. According to statistics, a single Life Solution water purification system installation can save 36,000 liters of water per year, which is equivalent to the annual consumption of 100 adults. This makes a substantial difference in mitigating water scarcity and safeguarding the environment.

3. A Smart and Convenient Future of Water Purification

The Life Solution water purification system boasts an intelligent control system that not only monitors water quality in real-time but also tailors purification settings to individual user needs. With just a click, users can enjoy a cup of clean, healthy drinking water.

4. Technological Innovation for a Better Life

The Life Solution water purification system represents more than just cutting-edge water purification technology; it embodies a commitment to improving lives. It ingeniously combines technological innovation with user-centric design to deliver a convenient, healthy, and comfortable water experience for everyone.

5. Looking Ahead: How Life Solution Technology Could Change Our Lives

The widespread adoption of Life Solution technology has the potential to revolutionize how we access and consume water. Here are some ways it could change our lives:

• Reduced reliance on bottled water: Life Solution water purification system could significantly reduce our dependence on bottled water, minimizing plastic waste and environmental impact.
• Improved water security: With efficient purification capabilities, Life Solution systems could provide a reliable source of clean drinking water, even in regions with limited access to safe water sources.
• Personalized hydration: The system’s ability to tailor purification settings to user needs could promote optimal hydration by providing water with the right mineral content for each individual.

Overall, the Life Solution water purification system is a promising glimpse into a future of sustainable water management and improved access to clean drinking water for all.

Unlock the Power of Water:
Your Secret Weapon for Weight Loss!

Drinking plenty of water is essential for good health, and it can also be a helpful tool in your weight loss journey. Here’s a list of the main reasons why:

• Boosts satiety and reduces therefore your calorie intake.
Drink a full glass of water before meals to help you feel full and reduce the amount of food you eat.

• Supports metabolism and burns fat.
Water helps your body flush out waste, which can improve your metabolism and aid in burning fat.

• Reduces appetite and curbs cravings:
Staying hydrated can help you feel less hungry and resist unhealthy cravings throughout the day.

• Eliminates toxins and improves overall health
Water helps your body eliminate toxins, which can contribute to weight loss and improve your overall health.

Tips for Drinking Water:
1. Drinking time – When to drink aim to drink water throughout the day, including after you wake up, before meals, before and after exercise, and before bed.

2. How much to drink – A good general guideline is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. However, your individual needs may vary depending on your weight, activity level, and climate.

3. Water temperature – Opt for cool, room temperature, or warm water.

4. Carry a reusable water bottle – This will make it easier to stay hydrated throughout the day.

5. Flavor your water with fruits or herbs – If you find plain water boring, try adding slices of lemon, cucumber, or other fruits and herbs to your water for a refreshing twist.

6. Choose water over sugary drinks – Sugary drinks are loaded with empty calories that can sabotage your weight loss efforts.

By making water your beverage of choice and following the above-mentioned tips, you can harness the power of water to support your weight loss goals and improve your overall health.