The beginning of autumn is the perfect time to remind everyone to drink water. Even though the weather is sunny and dry, and the humidity is relatively low, the temperature does not drop. People continue to perspire like they do in the summer, however, they are often less mindful of appropriate hydration.

To sustain energy levels, nourish skin, and maintain a radiant body, it is necessary to drink plenty of water. The body loses water throughout the day, mostly through urine and sweat, but also from regular body functions like breathing. To prevent dehydration, people must get lots of water from drinking as well as from food every day.
1. How much water do adults need to drink a day?
Health experts recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, about 2 liters or half a gallon, of water per day. However, this amount of water needed varies from person to person. It differs depending on factors like diet, health, and activity.

For example, someone who exercises intensely on a regular basis will need to drink more water to replenish more water loss.
2. Ways to stay hydrated this autumn
Since more than half of the body is made up of water, being well hydrated is extremely important. Additionally, it helps the body function properly and efficiently. Most people stay appropriately hydrated by listening to their bodies and drinking when they are thirsty. The following tips are helpful ways to stay hydrated this autumn:
Drink water throughout the day rather than wait to be thirsty.
Thirst is the most obvious sign of lack of water in the body, but the amount of water people will consume when they are thirsty is often less than the amount of water their body needs. Also, drinking too fast or too much water when thirsty may be harmful. Therefore, drinking water regularly helps the body to absorb it better and avoid injury.

Drink more room temperature water.
Sometimes drinking a cold glass of water is just what is needed. For instance, it is beneficial to drink colder water when working out, when sweating, or when the body needs a boost. However, drinking room temperature water is favorable for maintaining good health because it helps fight off sinus infections and congestion, improve digestion, and avoid feeling of being thirsty.

Drink a glass of water every morning.
Drinking a glass of water in the morning helps to replenish the water consumed overnight. It is especially advantageous to refresh, stimulate, and energize the body since most people do not drink enough water during the day to stay properly hydrated.

3. What kind of water to drink?
Life Solutions’ water purification equipment is ideal for drinking clean water that hydrates the body. Unfiltered water contains harmful substances. With Life Solutions, these pollutants are removed through a water purifier while retaining those minerals beneficial to the body. Their water purification systems have a built-in filter element that incorporates a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane and removes 99% of pollutants (including heavy metals, pesticides, and viruses). The result is clean, healthy drinking water.

Life Solutions’ water purification equipment is also recognized for other qualities. All of its filter products have passed CCC (3C) certification, exceeding CJ94-2005, China’s drinking water purifier industry standard. Additionally, Life Solutions systems are multifunctional and efficient. Not only can people drink the water directly, they heat the water temperature in a short time, feel the temperature at any time, and ensure clean, safe water for cooking and cleaning.

As autumn approaches with its warm and dry weather that is more comfortable than other times of the year, remember to drink water and properly hydrate. Life Solutions’ water purification systems help ensure drinking water is fresh and healthy.
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