The 14th of 24 solar terms, “Stopping the Heat,” falls in August. It reflects the end of the hot summer period. With the change in temperature and autumn approaching, the days remain hot during the daytime but cooler in the mornings and evenings. According to ancient philosophy, people should be mindful of the balance among the “yin” and “yang” in the body and dress appropriately this time of year.

It is also suggested that people pay attention to their diet, which should change with the fluctuating temperature. An important part of diet is drinking water, especially to avoid becoming dehydrated. The body is made up of approximately 70% water, and drinking enough water every day is essential for maintaining overall wellness, sustaining energy levels, and flushing toxins out of the body. Drinking too little or too much water can have adverse effects on health.

Insufficient water intake can lead to dry skin, fatigue, sluggishness, dizziness, and muscle cramps if exercising without replacing water lost through sweat. Besides these outward symptoms of dehydration, chronic effects of lack of water impact the body’s cells. Like the body’s organs, the cells need water tofunction optimally and remove waste from the body.
The benefits of drinking plenty of water are many, including better digestion, an improved immune system, normal kidney function, less constipation, weight control, and proper muscle flexibility.

53535 drinking water method
What is the right quantity of water needed? According to the “53535 drinking water method” outlines the ideal amount and process for consuming water. Specifically, it proposes drinking 500ml before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and 300ml between each meal. While the amount of water needed varies from person to person, the key is to drink water regularly and not just when thirsty.

While making sure to drink a sufficient amount of water every day, it is essential to pay attention to the quality of the drinking water. Long term drinking of unclean water can lead to more severe health conditions like skin lesions and pigmentation, seizures, and kidney failure.

To ensure the water consumed does not contain bacteria, viruses, and contaminants like pesticides and heavy metals, drinking purified water should be considered. Life Solutions’ water purification systems ensure clean water. All of their filter products have passed CCC (3C) certification, exceeding cj94-2005 China drinking water purification industry standard. In addition, the billi Quadra, Quadraplus, and eco models have obtained Global Green Tag certification, one of the most trusted and widely recognized standards for energy efficiency in theworld.

Notably, the filter element of Life Solutions’ water purification equipment incorporates a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane. With an accuracy of 0.0001μm, it removes pollutants like heavy metals, pesticides, viruses, and bacteria. Thus, the water is clean and healthy so it can be consumed directly. It can also be used for cooking and making tea as well as washing fruits and cleaning dishes.
Other advantages of Life Solutions’ water filtration systems include accurate temperature control, enabling water to be heated in a short time, and convenient, after-sales service. Professional engineers provide return visits for general upkeep and repairs, and to replace the filter element at least three times a year. Maintenance is easy, ongoing, and hassle-free.

To ensure you are drinking and using clean water that is readily available and helps maintain good health, installing Life Solutions’ water purification equipment is the perfect choice.
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