The constant change in temperature has already caused many of us to catch a cold. In China, we constantly hear the advice to drink more hot water. But is there really a scientific basis for improving health by drinking hot water?

Why do many foreigners not like to drink hot water?
01 Different cultures and habits
The fact that Europeans and Americans do not like hot water has something to do with their cultural habits. From childhood to adulthood, they are used to drinking cold water. Their intestines and stomach have already become accustomed to this temperature, so drinking cold water does not cause gastrointestinal discomfort.
02 Body types
The different body type and desire to lose weight could perhaps be another reason for the different water drinking culture. That drinking cold water can help with weight loss by boosting metabolism is an unfounded myth that many still believe in. Since many Europeans and Americans eat a high calorie diet, drinking cold water to maintain or reduce weight could be another reason for this custom.

03 High popularity of water purifiers
The popularity of water purifiers is as high as 90% in Europe and the United States. They have moved to drinking water directly from the tap because the water in many areas is of good quality. In China, the adoption rate of water purifiers is relatively low. People see the need to purify water by boiling, although metal pollution cannot be eliminated by this process.

What are the benefits of drinking more hot water?
01 Boosting the metabolism
Drinking more hot water helps to improve blood circulation in the human body, strengthen our central nervous system and promote sweating, which in turn leads to better control of body temperature. Drinking clean, safe, hot water promotes the elimination of harmful toxins in our body through urination. By speeding up our metabolism, we recover more quickly from colds, common infections and wounds.
02 Relief from constipation
Drinking hot water can relieve constipation and stimulate intestinal peristalsis, the process that makes digestion possible. This is the automatic, undulating movement of the muscles that line our gastrointestinal tract. By drinking hot water, our bodies are able to break down food more quickly and produce regular bowel movements.

03 Relief from menstrual pain
Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps are caused by contraction of the uterine muscles. Drinking more hot water can help relieve menstrual pain and reduce irritability.

A little advice
The amount of water:
Drinking too much hot water could be counterintuitive for our bodies. The rule the more the better does not apply in this case, as drinking too much hot water can increase the metabolic load on the kidneys and the risk of water intoxication. The appropriate daily amount of water for adults is given by physicians to be 2500 ml on average, with a small difference between men and women. It is important to remember that about 20% of daily fluid intake normally comes from food.
The water temperature:
Just like the quantity, the temperature of the water we drink also plays an important role. Medical experts explain that 45 ℃ is the ideal water temperature. They advise against drinking overheated water to avoid thermal injuries in the mucous membrane of the pharynx or esophagus. These thermal injuries, especially if they occur repeatedly, can lead to chronic inflammation and the formation of cancer cells.

Life Solutions’ water purifier can meet your fresh hot water needs. It can adjust the water temperature while filtering and purifying so you do not have to worry about compromising your family’s health.
01 3C Certification

All our filtration products have passed CCC (3C) certification, exceeding the CJ94-2005 Chinese drinking water purification industry standard, and NSF product certification is included in all RO products.
02 Fine filtration

The reverse osmosis system and the high-end filter element can remove 99% of pollutants (including heavy metals, pesticides, viruses and bacteria) and provide clean, safe and healthy drinking water.
03 Instant cooling & instant heating

Our purifiers can be used directly for drinking and can heat the water temperature in a short time. It is efficient to measure the temperature and heat quickly at any time, and has an accurate temperature control. It can be used for washing vegetables, fruits and creating various dishes or directly for drinking, cooking and tea making. It is an ideal system for safe and clean water.

The beginning of winter is dry and cold. Whether for drinking or making teas or soups, healthy hot water is essential for every family. Life Solutions water treatment equipment ensures a healthy and comfortable life where families can rely on the quality of the water they consume.
Life Solutions’ water purification equipment brings you a warm and comfortable winter.
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