World Water Day is an annual observance of the importance of clean water. Taking place on March 22, World Water Day strives to raise awareness of the benefits of water, acknowledge the seriousness of the global water crisis, and advocate for the sustainable management of fresh water resources.

Water, a substance often taken for granted, is a vital resource with wide-reaching benefits that span food, health, cleanliness, culture, and safety of natural environments and habitation. It is unique because it is the only natural substance found in all three physical states of liquid, solid, and gas. Additionally, it is sometimes referred to as the “universal solvent” since it dissolves more substances than any other liquid. When water flows, whether it is through the ground or through people’s bodies, it takes with it chemicals, minerals, and nutrients.

World Water Day was introduced nearly 30 years ago at the United Nations Conference for Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. However, it was not officially observed until the following year. It supports the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 6: Water and sanitation for all by 2030. To achieve this important goal and make it a priority around the globle, the United Nations declared the 10-year period from 2018 to 2028 to be Water Action Decade.

As World Water Day aims to spread awareness about the ongoing water crisis worldwide and the benefits of clean water, it encourages communities to take action to resolve it. Everyone can contribute to making a difference.
Despite being the world’s fastest-growing economy for years, so you know China has been facing a serious water issue?
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Some simple actions include taking shorter showers to conserve water, eating meatless once a week since animals and their feed require a lot of water, and filtering water.
Do you know the clean drinking water solutions can not just save the earth but also your wallet?
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Filtering water is one of the most effective ways to confront the water crisis. Not only does it provide clean, healthy water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning, but it prevents waste. Rather than “flushing” water to reduce contaminants, options like clean drinking water solutions or water filtration products can purify water by removing pollutants.

They can include carbon charcoal filters in a pitcher or as part of a faucet-mount, ultraviolet light units or reverse osmosis, water distillers, or another form of water treatment process.

All Life Solutions’ filtration products are CCC (3C) certified and exceed the CJ94-2005 Chinese water industry standard for drinking water purification. We use NSF-certified water filters in all our RO products.
Water filtration has other benefits as well, like eliminating the need for bottled water and water delivery services, and protecting the environment from damage caused by plastic water bottles. Furthermore, it prevents additional contamination from overworked water treatment facilities that are unable to handle the influx of contaminated water. By filtering water, less contaminants pollute the public water supply. Life Solutions’ water filtration systems for potable water and other commercial water applications are ideal for producing clean water that removes contaminants and helps to protect the environment.
Life Solutions LANA (UR-1302A) in Hong Kong Airport
Click the image to learn more about why clean water is important!
Even though water means different things to different people, it is essential for everyone. And everyone can contribute in some way to conserving water and solving the water crisis. Small changes can make a big impact in protecting and cherishing this vital resource.
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Addtional Information
[1] CCC(3C)
CCC is a product conformity assessment system implemented by the Chinese government in accordance with the relevant WTO agreements and international rules, in order to protect the life safety of consumers, animals, and plants, protect the environment and protect national security.
Source:Baidu baike
[2] CJ94-2005 Chinese water industry standard
CJ94-2005 is the standard of drinking water quality of urban industry standard of the people’s Republic of China. This standard is applicable to the direct drinking water of the pipeline which can be directly consumed by the user after being purified by taking tap water or water source water which meets the standard of drinking water quality as raw water.
Source:Baidu wenku
[3] NSF
NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) has been dedicated to protecting and improving global human health since 1944. The NSF mark assures consumers, retailers, and regulators that certified products have been rigorously tested to comply with all standard requirements.