Not even the best marketing can improve a poor quality product. Quality is quality, hard won by the best companies in the world who are dedicated to not just their own success yet also the satisfaction of their customers. Though many companies – perhaps looking for a quick fix or perhaps not knowing better – greenwash their products to make them sound ‘green’ and sustainable, Billi doesn’t.
For over 25 years, Billi has been making high quality, reliable clean drinking water systems for corporate, hospitality and residential clients. Quality is increasingly being seen as included the environmental sustainability performance of products. Not to mention quality certifications like the Australian Standard Quality certification, UK Watermark certification and China CCC certification, the Billi Eco, Quadra and Quadra models were the first clean drinking water products in the world to be certified to Global Green Tag’s LCA Rate ‘Gold’ certification.
And that’s a tough certification to get. The sustainability industry is often filled with unsubstantiated eco-friendly claims to sell green products. Instead, Billi chose to have several of its products undergo one of the most rigorous and science-based product sustainability assessments available today. Among others, Global Green Tag certified to ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management, and externally verified as compliant to ISO 14024 for Type 1 (Third Party) Ecolabels, ISO 17065 for Conformance Assessment Bodies and produce greenhouse gas calculations are compliant with ISO 14067 for Product Greenhouse Gas Calculations.
After passing through thorough, independent and peer reviewed Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) by an experienced and qualified team, including senior managers and scientists, Billi Australia, manufacturer and designer, received the LCARate Gold certification and the ISO 14025 Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). The Billi Quadra, for example, scored highest in the environmental health and low ecotoxicity category, demonstrating that compared with other water filtration systems, the Quadra achieved a 0.10 on a scale of -1 to +1 with a low score meaning better environmental product performance (0.10 is a 90% improvement over the business as usual benchmark product). In addition, the Billi Quadra is water and energy efficient, as well as being low carbon.
Don’t take our word for it, check out the facts. The independent Green Tag EcoPoint score card is available here or contact us in China to read Billi’s up-to-date Global Green Tag product certification